Monthly Archives: January 2015

A God Out Of His Mind

When his relatives heard of this they set out to seize him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.” Mark 3:21

His relatives are right on point…

He is the King of kings and Lord of lords yet the Son rises out of a manger.  Luke 2:16

He calls his first disciples who may be last on everybody’s list. Luke 5:1-11

A sinless God–Man who searches for sinners rather than saints. Spends time with them and even dines with them. Luke 5:32

He looked up to a small–in–size–big–time–sinner,  whom others looked down. Luke 19:5

He love the world that he gave his only Son, though no guarantee the world will love him back. John 3:16

People questioned his authority but he never questioned the authority of the ones who questioned his authority. Luke 20:2

Prays for the forgiveness of his persecutors and killers while hanging on the cross. Luke 23:24

Rises and shows himself to his disciples who didn’t stay with him during his most difficult times. John 20:19-20

Peter disowned him, yet he brought Peter back to his fold under no conditions. John 21:15-19

He’s not cogent. So maybe that’s why logical thinkers don’t get him.

He is a God is out of his mind.







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