Model the Right Model

“Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Mark 1:17

One of the significant yet meticulous lesson that I have learned in my profession as a power system engineer is this – Model the right model.  In my line of work, I have to model big or small generators, transformers, or power lines and other electrical equipment in order for me to evaluate and assess the condition of a power system when these devices I just modeled are integrated in the system. It may be straightforward as it seems since textbooks introduces power system modeling first before any advanced lessons.  But the bottom-line is you have got to have the right model for every study or analysis to be realistic and useful. I may be a good analyst but if I have not modeled my electrical equipment right, my direction is naught. Everything boils down to the right modeling.

Certainly, this lesson is in parallel with our relationship with Jesus.  Notice that Jesus’ invitation to the first disciples was; first, follow Him, and second, being fishers of men. A disciple’s first motivation is to model Jesus. I can be a preacher who can bring fire to the hearts of men but if I do not model Jesus, my message is in the cold showers. I can counsel a group or an individual to follow Christ but if I myself do not follow Him, what is the sense of my advice.  I may have the mind to organize an evangelistic event for a Christian community but if I cannot organize my life in modeling the life of Jesus, I am like a puzzling maze. If we model the Lord Jesus in our lives, He promises that this same life will serve as bait for fishing men. Let us ask ourselves, do we follow Jesus in our words and actions? Let us pray fervently that God give us the grace to model the right model.


Filed under Kristyanismo, Pamilya, Panginoon, Pilipinas

2 responses to “Model the Right Model

  1. allan g. david

    I just would like to thank you bro for all the words of encouragement that you are giving to us through your wonderful sharing and comments. you may be far away from us but with your words you are very near in our hearts and mind. thank you for starting the work for the community here in pampanga. we will go on with the mission and hope that one day we will be together again worshipping our only Lord and Saviour. God bless and your whole family bro…. KAY KRISTO BUONG BUHAY HABANG BUHAY

  2. ebcano


    Thank you for the encouraging words. Miss you and the brothers and sisters.

    Salamat for your commitment and love for God and His people.

    Hopefully, God will make a way for all of us to be one again in loving and sharing His works and words for us all.

    God bless,


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