The Andrew Factor

The God of Multiplication Series

One of his disciples, Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, said to him, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish………..” John 6:8-9

Out of more than five thousand people, Andrew identifies a boy who has five loaves and two fish. Out of multitudes, Andrew points to someone who has something. Out of waves of humanity, Andrew spots a child who has open hands.

For God to multiply resources, He enables people like Andrew.  Persons who have the gift to spot someone who has something to give.  Keen eyes for skills which can be useful for the Kingdom.  A nose for men and women willing to give what they posses for God alone. People who are involved in God’s work making people to get involve. To be mentors of men needing direction in offering their resources for God. Disciples who can pass on the discipline.

Andrew’s work is not in vain. If you think someone has something small to offer, think again. We have a God who multiplies.  Our big God can make do with something small with His work.  God does not look in the amount of the skill but looks at the heart of the skilled. God specializes in small things in His big scheme of things.

Go ahead. Identify talent. Identify skills. Identify open hands. Identify open hearts.  Enable others to be able for God. Allow others to give for God.

As we follow and serve the God who multiplies, be an Andrew among His people.

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