What Is Your Scenario?

Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to (the) poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” When the young man heard this statement, he went away sad, for he had many possessions. When the young man heard this statement, he went away sad, for he had many possessions. Matthew 19:21-22

I have several scenarios for the rich young man….

First, he went home and prayed. After praying and reflecting on what have just happened, he decided to follow the instruction of Jesus. He gave up all his possessions and provided for the poor. He went to ask around where Jesus is and when he was told, he followed Him closely. He walked with Jesus, he ate with sinners, he helped to heal the sick and he was with Jesus until death.

Another is, he went home and prayed. After praying and reflecting on what have just happened, he decided to stay in his lifestyle. He kept the commandments. He followed the law. But he did not follow Christ. He stayed the same even after meeting Christ. He settled where he is before he met Christ. He knows he still lacking on something but did not responded to what is being offered to him.

Lastly, he went home and was very discouraged. After reflecting on what have just happened, thinking he can’t follow Christ because of his possessions, he wandered away from the law. He thought since he cannot give his all, he will just give nothing. He violated the commandments. He went on sinning using his wealth. In his disappointment of not being able to follow Christ, he turned his back to the teachings of the church.

Have you met Christ? Have you heard His message, “Follow me.”? Has Jesus told you about caring for the poor? Has Jesus challenged you to give up your possessions, ambitions or dreams? Has Jesus told you about having treasures in heaven?

If your answer is Yes. Then what is your scenario?


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