
Therefore, whether it be I or they, so we preach and so you believed. 1 Cor. 15:11

If you program a GPS to take the highway and toll booths, it will direct you to those passages for you the reach your destination. You can also enable your GPS not to take you through those routes and bring you to small streets, like wise it will bring you to your destination. Maybe different travel time, maybe different travel scenarios and maybe you will pass by different routes, however, you will reach the same destination. Different routes, same destination.

We specify certain routes in our Christian walk. Remember going to a mass expecting Fr. X to be the celebrant. When the Eucharistic ceremony begins and the priest walks in and its not Fr. X, you will be disappointed. Excited going to the community gathering and was looking forward to hear Bro. Y to preach after the worship. As you sat down and the speaker was called and its not Bro. Y, you get a bit sad. You look at this website where this church posts their preaching, you scan on the videos and pick only the ones where this Pastor/Book Author is the preacher. You will bypass other videos thinking you will be more inspired only with the said person.

Paul wrote to the people of Corinth, “whether it be I or they, so we preach and so you believed.” He was telling about routes to Christ. For Paul, it does not matter who will preach the Word. It may be Peter who will preach at the outpouring of the Spirit. John may come to proclaim the revelation of God. James takes the pulpit to bring us to action in faith. Give Andrew your one hour as he details how Jesus calls His disciples. Thomas holds the mic and pounds his, “My Lord and My God!”. Or Paul declares how he saw the gift of salvation as he was found blind along Damascus. It does not matter who the messenger is. What matters is that we believed the Word of God. What is important is that we put our faith in Jesus after hearing the message.

So, next time you travel a route, enjoy. For your destination is the same.

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Filed under Kristyanismo, Pamilya, Panginoon, Pilipinas

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