God Holds Your Hand

For I am the LORD, your God, who grasp your right hand; It is I who say to you, “Fear not, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13

He could have said, “I will send angels to hold you and help you.” But did not. He could have said, “My prophets will take your hand and give you aid.” But did not. He could have said, “My disciples will reach out to you, and you will be fine.” But did not.

But here, God is telling us, he will grasp our hand and tell us face to face, “Fear not, I will help you.” Here is a God who promises us, “I will feel your pain, and I will ease it or erase it.” Here is a God who says, “Feel my grip on you, I will never let go of you.” Here is a God who declares, “I am here for you and will guide you.”

There is more than holding or grasping hands.

There is intimacy. For lovers who are in their honeymoon or in their 5oth year of marriage.

There is security. For a daughter tightly locked into her father’s arms amidst the darkness of a movie theater.

There is goodness. For a stranger who volunteers to hold the aging man and help him reach the other side of the street.

There is empathy. For a calamity victim as he is encouraged by the missionary worker.

There is hope. For a hospital bedridden patient as she feels the clasp of her doctor’s hands.

There is endurance. For a friend who reaches out a friend for him to hurdle the next step towards the mountain top.

There is gladness. For a father swinging his hands coupled with his daughter’s around the playground.

And God assures us, he is a personal God who grasp our hand. A God who becomes one of us come December 25, to feel our sorrows and celebrate our joys. To reach out to us. To become intimate with us, to understand what we are undergoing. To be one with us. For us to be secured and hopeful. For us to endure and enjoy. Friends, we have a God who holds your hand.

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