Five Kings

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of King Herod, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem,… Matthew 2:1

Did you know there were five?

The three magi, Three Kings as we call them. King Herod who reigned over the land. And Jesus, the King of kings.

The magi were followers. They followed the star, it brought them to Jerusalem. They followed Herod as he sent them to Bethlehem. They followed the warning from their dream not to return to Herod.

Herod followed his desires. He only followed himself. He had plans to find and kill the child so he will remain at the throne.

Jesus followed the Father. Unlike Herod, he left his throne. He is worshiped as angels bow down before him yet at the manger four-legged animals bow down not to him but for food.

Of all these kings, Jesus was singular in following the Father’s plan. He did not change loyalty like the Magi. He did not live for himself like Herod. When he emerged from Mary’s womb, his plan was to follow the Father’s plan.

If you want to follow the Father, you know which king to follow, you know which king you bow down to, you know which king to serve, you know which king you will live for and die for- Jesus, the King of kings.

Now you know.

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