Small Steps of Hope

“If I just touch his clothes, I shall be cured.” – Mark 5:28.

She had spent all she had. She had suffered greatly from hopping from one doctor to another. No clinic or hospital has made her well.  Her condition is at worst.  No health. No wealth. For twelve long years she had suffered. For dozen of years, she hoped she will be healed. She hoped she will be healed by her doctors. She hoped she will be healed using her money. And she hoped in vain.

She had nothing but God alone. And on this day, she hoped He will heal.  She said, “If I just touch his clothes, I shall be cured.” She hoped. He healed.

She just touched His cloak. Just a little gesture.  Just a tiny tidbit.  No big deal. No magnificent action.  It’s not like multiplication of the bread. It’s not like the large catch of fish in Galilee.

And here Jesus is showing us we can have and share hope of healing to others by committing ourselves to small steps. Touch someone through small steps.

Henri Nouwen wrote – How can we choose love when we have experienced so little of it? We choose love by taking small steps of love every time there is an opportunity. A smile, a handshake, a word of encouragement, a phone call, a card, an embrace, a kind greeting, a gesture of support, a moment of attention, a helping hand, a present, a financial contribution, a visit … all these are little steps toward love. Each step is like a candle burning in the night. It does not take the darkness away, but it guides us through the darkness. When we look back after many small steps of love, we will discover that we have made a long and beautiful journey.

In Christ, we can bring hope and healing to our family and friends by committing to small steps. Small steps, blessed by God, will bring hope to the desperate.

Our small steps are God’s giant leap.

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