Simple Prayer, Great Answer

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He replied to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:42-43

It was a simple prayer, “Remember me….”

You do this, you keep calling cards. You bookmark the webpage. You allow a space in your brain for that specific name, time of meeting, place of meeting, event of meeting and all. You remember the face and the faces associated with that face. You remember the name and the names related to that name. You take notice of what he or she wears. You mark those facial markers. You high light the body built and maybe the mannerisms.

Yet you do further than that. Before you were stepping into the airport, you heard them tell you, ” when you get there, remember me, remember us.” You don’t only keep them in your mind, you give them what’s in their mind. You send them gifts, you give them what you have. When you remember, you extend something. You have something, you remembered he needed that something. You got something, you remembered he ain’t got that something.

Jesus remembers. The man beside him prayed, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” You see, Jesus can remember him when Jesus reigns in his kingdom. Remember the way he spoke. Remember the way he made a case for Jesus. Remember he was crucified at the same time he was. Remember he was deserving of the cross and he was not. Remember he was the last one who prayed to him before he died on that tree. Well, Jesus did not. But Jesus did. He does further than keeping him in his head. He gave him what he does not have. He handed to him what he ain’t got. Jesus gave him salvation.

When God remembers, he extends his hands. When he remembers we are in need, he provides. When he remembers we are unhealthy, he heals. When he remembers we are jobless, he promotes us. When he remembers we are weak, he strengthen us. When he remembers we are in doubt, he gives us faith.

We give him a simple prayer, Jesus gives us a great answer.

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