Keep Calling

And many rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he kept calling out all the more, “Son of David, have pity on me.” Mark 10:48

He kept calling. They want him silent. They tried to make him quiet but not quite. All the more he kept calling Jesus. He called Jesus again and again and again. Many, not only one or a few, rebuked him. Many may have thought he was not worth of His time because these many have not given him time. However, Bartimaeus’ focus was on the One he was calling not on the many who were blocking. It is as if he kept redialing the same number up until the other side of the line answers. It is as if there were other parties on the line yet he kept redialing.

Bartimaeus kept calling because he kept trusting.

We should do this, too.  Keep calling Jesus all the more. Doubts may rebuke you. Worries may silent you. People may come up in your face and say, “It’s not possible!” You, yourself have dark clouds of skepticism your prayer may not happen. Circumstances all around you shouts a clear NO. In spite of these many, keep calling. Keep your knees bended. Keep your eyes on the One who makes impossible possible. Keep calling on the One who makes a way when there is no way. Keep calling Jesus who multiplies a lunch into the grandest of feast. Keep calling Jesus who supposedly swam but walked on water.

Keep calling Jesus…for righteous living in an unrighteous world, for faithfulness in an unbelieving society, for grace and strength over your weakness, for a sibling or a friend to give his/her life to God, for a job you dream of which you wrote on that elementary slum book, for a bedridden parent to stand up again, for a lack in finances to be filled up, for a mission still impossible.

We keep calling because we keep trusting.


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